
NAFEPA Hosted EDGAR Academies

NAFEPA is Hosting EDGAR Academies!

Current NAFEPA members receive a 10% discount on these designated EDGAR Academies by The Bruman Group! Simply log into the NAFEPA member page here to access your event specific coupon code and enter the code when you checkout!

Not a member? Just register for the event and you'll receive a complimentary year-long NAFEPA membership!! Details Below! Want to know more about NAFEPA? Learn more here.

Currently Scheduled NAFEPA Hosted EDGAR Academies

San Diego, California

Wednesday, June 18, 2025

9:00 am - 3:30 pm PST

Registration opens at 8:30 am CST

Agenda (click here to view)

Joe Rindone Regional Technology Center - Community Labs

San Diego County Office of Education 

6401 Linda Vista Road, San Diego, CA 92111

Presented by: Michael Brustein, Esq. and Tiffany Kesslar, Esq. The Bruman Group, PLLC

$595 per person
($535.50 for NAFEPA members with 10% discount code)

Ready to Register?

Just click add to cart and checkout!


Date Pending

9:00 am - 3:30 pm EST

Registration opens at 8:30 am EST


Presented by:

The Bruman Group, PLLC

$595 per person
($535.50 for NAFEPA members with 10% discount code)

Ready to Register?

Just click add to cart and checkout!

EDGAR Academy Details

  • NAFEPA Details
  • EDGAR Course Description
  • Cost and Payment FAQs
  • Learning Objectives
  • CPE Information
  • Attendance FAQs
  • CA Travel Logistics
  • PA Travel Logistics
  • Cancellation Policy FAQs
NAFEPA Details

What is NAFEPA and how do I learn more about it?

  • The National Association of Federal Education Program Administrators (NAFEPA) is a nonprofit national support organization for educators who work with federally funded programs in their local school districts and in their states. NAFEPA has been in existence since 1974 and has more than 3,000 members from across the nation. We encourage you to go to their website here to learn more about NAFEPA and the benefits of being a member.

What does it mean to be a current NAFEPA member?

  • NAFEPA defines "current members" as someone with an active NAFEPA membership at the time they register for the EDGAR Academy.

What happens if my NAFEPA membership has expired?

  • If your NAFEPA membership has expired, you can either reach out to NAFEPA directly to renew your membership at https://nafepa.org or you can register for the EDGAR Academy and your NAFEPA membership will be activated within one week after attending the EDGAR Academy assuming your registration is paid. If your registration is not paid at the time of the EDGAR Academy, your membership will be activated within one week of notice of your payment.

When does my NAFEPA membership start?

  • Your NAFEPA Membership will be activated within one week following your attendance at the EDGAR Academy if you have paid for your registration and will be active for one full year from the date of activation. If your registration is not paid at the time of the event, then your NAFEPA membership will be activated within one week of notice of your payment and be active for one full year from the date of activation.

If I am a member of my state affiliate organization, does that mean I am a member of NAFEPA?

  • Maybe. Some state affiliates have a partnership with NAFEPA, but not all do. If your state association has a membership partnership with NAFEPA, then being a member of the state affiliate means you are also a member of NAFEPA. If not, then you are not automatically a member of NAFEPA. Please visit the NAFEPA Member login page here to confirm whether you have a current membership with NAFEPA. If you have any specific questions or concerns about your membership, please reach out to NAFEPA at info@nafepa.org.

  • If you are with a state affiliate and are interested in a membership partnership with NAFEPA please reach out to NAFEPA at info@nafepa.org. Our partnered state affiliates receive a discounted annual NAFEPA membership rate and enjoy all the benefits of other NAFEPA members.

If my state has an affiliate organization and I sign up for a NAFEPA hosted EDGAR Academy, does that mean I automatically become a member of the state affiliate organization?

  • Unfortunately, no. This NAFEPA hosted EDGAR Academy benefit only applies to NAFEPA memberships. However, we always recommend that our members reach out to their state affiliate about local membership.

How can I get NAFEPA to host an EDGAR Academy in my area?

  • If you or your district is interested in hosting an EDGAR Academy in your area, please contact NAFEPA at info@nafepa.org.

EDGAR Course Description

NAFEPA is Excited to Announce Its Hosted Bruman EDGAR Academies!

This in-person full day workshop will review and discuss the requirements and changes to the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) and its Uniform Grants Guidance (UGG) counterpart. Each attendee will receive a copy of Bruman's New 6th Ed. of the Administrator's Handbook on EDGAR!

Speakers from the Bruman Group will use the new 6th Ed. EDGAR book to break down the major sections of EDGAR and the UGG, including the administrative grants system requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements and discuss how they apply to your federal education programs. The speakers will also highlight areas that auditors focus on (e.g., time and effort, procurement, and documentation requirements) and provide best practices to ensure compliance. Best of all, we will be able to have group discussions on the highlights and challenges around spending and tracking federal funds.

Attendees are on their own for lunch, but a lunch break is scheduled from 11:30 - 1:00 CST.

Attendance is limited based on site availability.

The EDGAR Academy topics include:              

  • Financial management rules;
  • Internal controls;
  • Allowable costs;
  • Timely obligation of funds and carryover;
  • Time and effort certifications;
  • Procurement and conflicts of interest;
  • Property/equipment/supplies inventory controls;
  • Record retention;
  • Audits and monitoring requirements; and more!

All recipients of federal education grant dollars (e.g., ESSA, IDEA, Perkins, AEFLA and School Nutrition) must comply with these rules to avoid audit exposure and to be eligible for available flexibility.

Cost and Payment FAQs

Regular Price $595 per participant

NAFEPA Members Discounted Price $535.50 per participant

(requires use of the NAFEPA 10% member coupon code)

Cost and Payment FAQs

Do I need to set up an account to register for the Bruman Academy?

  • Yes, when you make your first purchase you will be requested to set up an account.


What happens if I forget my password?

  • You can request that your password be reset on the login page.

I am a member of NAFEPA, where do I find the coupon code?

  • Log into your NAFEPA member account to get the code here.

Can the NAFEPA coupon code be used for my entire district?

  • The NAFEPA coupon code may be used for any current NAFEPA member. Current members are defined as members of NAFEPA at the time of registration. Any district employees that are not current members of NAFEPA are not eligible to use the coupon code. Each registrant's membership status will be verified with NAFEPA.

What happens if I am a member of NAFEPA but I forget to use the code?

  • Please reach out to us at orders@bruman.com and, once we confirm your current membership with NAFEPA, we will apply the coupon code to your order. However, for the code to be applicable, you must be a current member of NAFEPA at the time of registration.

What happens if I used the NAFEPA code but I am not a current member?

  • We request that NAFEPA members not share the coupon code with nonmembers. If you used the coupon code but are not a verified current member of NAFEPA, we will adjust your invoice accordingly. All registrants are expected to pay the full corrected amount. Failure to pay the correct amount may prohibit entry or registration at a future Bruman event.

Can I use my credit card?

  • Yes, credit card purchases are encouraged. If a credit card is used, payment is automatic and the registration is deemed complete automatically, which means your registration is secured.

Can I pay by check?

  • Yes, you may pay by check. If paying by check, please register by selecting the 'Check Payment/Purchase Order' option at checkout.
  • Checks must be made out to “The Bruman Group, PLLC” and should be mailed to:

The Bruman Group, PLLC

1120 20th Street, NW Suite 740

Washington, D.C. 20036.

  • Your registration is not deemed complete, so your seat is not guaranteed, until we receive the check payment.

Can I use a purchase order?

  • Yes. If using a PO, please register by selecting the 'Check Payment/Purchase Order' option at checkout.
  • You must email us the PO at orders@bruman.com prior to the training. If the PO is not sent at least 30 days before the event, your registration may be cancelled. Your registration is not deemed complete, so your seat is not guaranteed, until we receive your PO or payment.

Can I register more than one person at a time for an event?

  • Unfortunately, no. The system provides unique user links so individual registrations are required.

When is payment due?

  • Payment is due within 30 calendar days after the event, or a late fee may assessed. Unpaid registrations may result in the inability to register for a future Bruman event.

Can I obtain a copy of my receipt?

  • Yes, a receipt will be emailed to you when your order has been completed. In addition, you can login to your account and see all your prior orders and print receipts directly from the website.
Learning Objectives

Who Should Attend?

This training is of value to all administrators of federal education grant funds. While we will focus on the EDGAR requirements as well as the Uniform Grants Guidance requirements applicable to ED grants. Prior attendees that have benefited from this training include:

  • Grant administrators at SEAs, LEAs, IHEs, Indian Tribes, nonprofit organizations, etc.;
  • Grant program staff;
  • Program and fiscal monitors; and
  • Auditors.

Learning Objectives:

During the EDGAR Academy, attendees will:

  • Appreciate the Federal requirements applicable to the administration of federal education grants;
  • Learn the cash management rules and inventory best practices to ensure compliance;
  • Understand what factors must be considered in determining if a cost is allowable;
  • Learn the procurement regulations that govern federally-funded contracts; and
  • Appreciate the monitoring and audit requirements applicable to federal grants.
CPE Information


6 CPE Credits will be awarded upon completion of the EDGAR Academy training and post-conference survey.


Location details are noted above under each event.


5 hours with time built in for questions


Specialized Knowledge – Technical






Group Live

The CPE credit(s) may be accepted as continuing legal education credits or other applicable credits in your state; however, attendees are responsible for their own credit approval and for meeting any state requirements. The Bruman Group, PLLC makes no guarantee or assurance that the CPE credits received will apply to any other program or state requirements.

The Bruman Group, PLLC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education (CPE) on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: http://www.learningmarket.org.

Attendance FAQs

What time is registration?

  • Registration begins at 8:30 AM (local time). Our event begins promptly at 9:00 AM (local time).

Are onsite registrations permitted?

  • The EDGAR Academies usually sell out so we can not guarantee that onsite registration will be available. If there are spaces available, we will permit onsite registration. However, there is a $25 per person onsite registration fee in addition to the registration costs.
  • Please note that for the June CA training - all attendees must check in at the visitor's window before entering campus so onsite registration is not permitted.

Will breakfast/lunch be provided?

  • No. However, there will be a lunch break from 11:30 - 1:00pm (local time) so attendees will have ample time to get out and have a lunch during the break.

What is included in the registration fee?

  • At a minimum, each registrant will receive an emailed copy of the PowerPoint presentation and a copy of The Bruman Group's newest edition of The Administrator's Handbook on EDGAR (6th Ed.).

What do I need to bring? 

  • You may wish to bring a laptop or tablet to take notes; however, please make sure your computer or tablet is charged as we can not guarantee that charging stations or plugs will be readily available. We also recommend bringing business cards for networking with our attorneys and other attendees we well as highlighters and tabs for your book.

What is the cancellation policy?

  • Please check out our Cancellation Policy FAQs.

CA Travel Logistics

Where is the training in Alabama?

  • The training will be held at the San Diego County Office of Education - Joe Rindone Regional Technology Center - Communication Labs, which is located at 6401 Linda Vista Road, San Diego, CA 92111. All guests must check in at the visitors windows before entering campus. Therefore, onsite registrations will not be permitted and changes in registrants must be provided in advance.

What is the closest airport?

  • The Closest airport is San Diego International Airport (SAN) which is about 15 minutes from the training site.

Is there a discounted hotel rate for the training?

  • Unfortunately no but there are numerous hotels in the area. Some of them include:
  • Town and County Resort - 500 Hotel Circle, North San Diego, CA 92108
  • San Diego Mission Bay Resort - 1775 E. Mission Bay Dr., San Diego, CA 92109
  • Hilton San Diego Mission Valley - 901 Camino Del Rio S, San Diego, CA 92108
  • Sheraton Mission Valley San Diego Hotel - 1433 Camino De RL Rio S, San Diego CA 92108

Is there parking at the Lafayette Center?

  • Yes, there is free parking on site.

PA Travel Logistics

Where is the training in Philadelphia?

  • We are current working on the dates and locations, more information to come!

What is the closest airport?

  • The closest airport is the Philadelphia International Airport.

Is there a discounted hotel rate for the training?

  • Unfortunately no, but there are numerous hotels in the area.

Is there onsite parking?

  • Once we confirm a location, we will provide details on parking.

Cancellation Policy FAQs


All cancellation or transfer requests must be received in writing as noted below at orders@bruman.com. Request for refunds or transfers for in-person events will be granted according to the following schedule:

  • Attendee transfers are permitted at anytime prior to the start of the event.
  • Cancellations:
  • 30 or more calendar days prior to the event: Requests for a full refund will be granted.
  • Between 30 and 7 calendar days prior to the event: Cancellations will be subject to an administrative fee (25% of all event costs) to cover fees and expenses incurred by the Bruman Group and NAFEPA.
  • Less than 7 days prior to the event, no refunds are permitted and materials will be mailed to the registrant.
  • Refunds are not granted for no-shows for any reason.

Cancellation FAQs

Can someone else attend in my place?

  • If you can no longer make it to the in-person training you originally registered for and would like to send a colleague in your place, please email us at orders@bruman.com with the name of the replacement.

What if the staff member who registered has left the organization?

  • We understand staff changes may occur; however, cancellations and transfers are subject to the rules noted above.