
Our current publications are listed below.

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Bruman Group Publications

Pre-Sale! The Administrator’s Handbook on EDGAR – 6th Edition (2024) – Spiral Bound

The book will be available (hopefully) in October 2024. Pre-Order Now!


Pre-Sale! The Administrator’s Handbook on EDGAR – 6th Edition (2024)

The book will be available (hopefully) in October 2024. Pre-Order Now!


NEW – The Uniform Grants Guidance Final Rule – 2024

A spiral bound book that includes the Uniform Grants Guidance Final Rule and proposed EDGAR revisions – 2024


30% Off Proposed Uniform Guidance Revisions – Redline *(2023)

Proposed updates to the Uniform Grants Guidance – Redline Version


Other Publications Authored by The Bruman Group Attorneys

These are published by LRP Publications. Direct links to each book are provided in in the book's title.

This one-of-a-kind resource gives you user-friendly explanations of the complex federal grant requirements that apply to all Education Department programs -- so you can ensure your costs are allowable and that your grants management systems are compliant. This publication also provide best practices, such as how to properly segregate duties and track time and effort reporting, to help you avoid monitoring findings and audit exceptions.

Get the tools and expert guidance you need to determine allowability of any Title I purchase -- updated to incorporate ESSA's new supplement, not supplant rules. A 9-point Allowability Checklist takes you through the steps to determining the allowability of a particular cost, from whether the item is necessary and reasonable to documenting compliance. Plus, from-the-field examples of purchases illustrate how to take an idea and check it for allowability or alter its design so it is compliant.

This publication explains the requirements of the Title I, Part A program as well as lessons learned from ESSA implementation. Learn how the ESSA supplement, not supplant requirement applies, how to calculate the equitable services set-aside and carryover requirements, flexibilities and waivers provided to the Title I, Part A program under the CARES Act, ensuring transferability requirements are met, and ED developments on equitable services following Supreme Court decisions and the impact on support for private schools.

The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) can help improve student achievement, eliminate social stigma and reduce administrative burden. But it takes a complicated analysis to determine whether the CEP makes financial sense for your school or district. Introducing the only guide to bottom-line decision-making.

This first time Q&A Book on special education fiscal issues explains how IDEA funds must be spent in accordance with the Uniform Guidance and the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR). This guide includes more than 340 plain-language Q&As that decipher the complex spending rules – and spell out the consequences of non-compliance – so you can ensure all costs are allowable and in line with program requirements.

IDEA: New Expectations for Schools and Students - Sixth Edition

Carry out compliant special education programs and services and ensure students receive FAPE with analysis and clear explanations of your IDEA requirements – child find, evaluations, eligibility, IEPs, placement, accountability, assessments, discipline and so much more. Plus this new edition analyzes changes brought by the Supreme Court’s Endrew F. decision and the Every Student Succeeds Act, so you know how your processes and procedures must be adjusted to meet new mandates.

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