

Live, Web-based Video Conferences

Financial Management and Cost Principles

January 17, 2023

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EST

  • Course Description
  • Costs
  • Who will Benefit?
  • What will you learn?
  • CPE Information
Course Description

This virtual training will review the financial management and allowable cost sections of 2 CFR Part 200 – Uniform Administrative Cost Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (the Uniform Guidance, or UGG). All non-federal entities must maintain proper cash management procedures. This webinar will discuss the applicable financial management rules, including how to record and use program income, applying credits to federal awards in line with the regulations, and how to properly document matching funds and services. This presentation will also provide participants with an overview of the cost principles and selected items of cost found in Part 200 of the Uniform Grants Guidance. This presentation will also include an overview of best practices for compliant allowability procedures and internal controls, and review all relevant factors that non federal entities must consider when determining allowability of costs.


$245.00 for Live Virtual Training

$245.00 for Online Recording (available via internet, no CPE credits awarded)

$350.00 for both Live Virtual Training and Online Recording

Attendees will receive a 10% discount for attending 3 or more webinars in the Winter Series.

**Any unpaid prior invoices for webinars, forums, or other conferences must be paid in full to register


10+ Attendees qualify for a 10% group discount. For assistance with group discounts, email us at webinars@bruman.com.


Cancellations must be submitted in writing to webinars@bruman.com at least 48 hours prior to any virtual training to receive a full refund.

Who will Benefit?

This virtual training is of value to all federal granting agencies, federal grant recipients, and everyone who works with federal grants, including:

  • Grant and program administrators
  • Grant program staff
  • State, district and school personnel
  • Program monitors
  • Auditors
What will you learn?

Attendees will learn:

  • What the federal rules say regarding cash management procedures;
  • The basic factors of allowability including what consideration must be given to determine whether a cost is necessary, reasonable and allocable;
  • What counts as an applicable credit, and this fits into proper cash management;
  • What questions to ask in making allowability determinations and how to identify circumstances that make a cost unallowable.
CPE Information


1.5 CPE Credits awarded upon completion of the virtual training (as verified through attendee participation checks throughout the webinar) and post-conference survey.*


Home (or home office), office, conference room, etc. per internet connection


75 minutes of presentation then time for questions (no longer than 90 minutes total)


Specialized Knowledge – Technical






Group-Internet Based, Group Live

The CPE credit(s) may be accepted as continuing legal education credits or other applicable credits in your state; however, attendees are responsible for their own credit approval and for meeting any state requirements. Brustein & Manasevit, PLLC makes no guarantee or assurance that the CPE credits received will apply to any other program or state requirements.

Brustein & Manasevit, PLLC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education (CPE) on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: http://www.learningmarket.org.