
Virtual Recordings

Prior Virtual Training Recordings

We offered a limited number of recent virtual training recordings. Make sure to check back as these will be updated every couple months.

Risk Assessment/Monitoring Online Recording


Allowability Online Recording


Indirect Costs Online Recording


Equipment/Supplies Online Recording


Procurement Online Recording


Time and Effort Online Recording


The New Title IX Rules: Training for All Employees

This Title IX training covers the three required topics under § 106.8(d) of the new regulations published in April 2024: the obligation to address sex-based discrimination, the definition of sex-based discrimination, and the responsibility for individual employees to notify the Title IX coordinator of concerning conduct. The presentation also provides some context surrounding the new […]


Updating Policies and Procedures Online Recording

This session is an introduction to the key provisions in EDGAR and the Uniform Guidance on federal grants management. Topics will include diving into the federal regulations on cash management, inventory control, procurement, and allowability. The session is designed for new federal grants professionals or those who would like a refresher on federal regulations that […]


EDGAR Advanced Online Recording

This session is an introduction to the key provisions in EDGAR and the Uniform Guidance on federal grants management. Topics will include diving into the federal regulations on cash management, inventory control, procurement, and allowability. The session is designed for new federal grants professionals or those who would like a refresher on federal regulations that […]


EDGAR 101 Online Recording

This session is an introduction to the key provisions in EDGAR and the Uniform Guidance on federal grants management. Topics will include diving into the federal regulations on cash management, inventory control, procurement, and allowability. The session is designed for new federal grants professionals or those who would like a refresher on federal regulations that […]


Time and Effort Requirements and Common Pitfalls (July 27, 2023)

In this session, presenters will discuss the time and effort requirements for employees paid with federal funds. The discussion will include the requirements for maintaining time and effort, flexibilities for documentation, and federal guidance on compliance. Additionally, presenters will discuss internal controls that grantees can implement to avoid common pitfalls.


ESSER Compliance Issues (and How to Fix Them) (August 1, 2023)

Got ESSER compliance issues? Who doesn’t! We will review the top challenges and compliance concerns facing SEAs and LEAs and discuss best practices to try to make corrective actions before you get monitored or audited. We will cover areas like MOEquity, timely obligation, Davis-Bacon compliance, lack of prior approval and more! Often times self-correction can avoid or limit potential […]


Beware the Funding Cliff: Navigating the End of Stimulus Dollars Without Supplanting (and other) Violations (July 25, 2023)

This session will provide information of the possible implications of a funding “cliff” as stimulus dollars come to a close while federal formula funding may see new limits or cuts due to Congressional action on the debt ceiling. Presenters will make comparisons and draw “lessons learned” from previous funding cliffs. Attendees will learn about potential implications […]


How LEAs and SEAs Can Use CAROI to Address Noncompliance (July 18, 2023)

The U.S. Education Department has encouraged states and locals to use cooperative audit resolution for the past 30 years, and yet this process has gained little traction nationwide. We are finally seeing evidence of more states resorting to this protocol now that it is firmly embraced in the Uniform Guidance. We will discuss what the […]


The 2023 Compliance Supplement: What is It and Why Should You Care? (July 11, 2023)

This session will discuss the 2023 OMB Compliance Supplement, which is the guidebook auditors use to conduct Single Audits of non-federal entities. We will review the latest changes in this year’s supplement, discuss key issues regarding auditing federal programs, and focus on critical language affecting COVID relief programs and the subsequent federal compliance requirements.


Virtual Training Details and FAQs

  • Costs
  • CPE Information
  • Virtual Recordings FAQs

$245.00 for 90-minute Online Recording (available via internet, no CPE credits awarded)

$495.00 for Online Recording (available via internet, no CPE credits awarded) longer than 2 hours

Attendees can receive a 10% discount for ordering 3 or more recordings. Please enter the coupon code 10off at checkout. Discounts must be entered at the time of registration and can not be combined. NO refunds will be provided. Any discounts incorrectly entered will be invalidated and invoices will be reissued for the corrected amount.


Refunds for recorded trainings are only permitted prior to a registrant being emailed the link to the recording. Since the links are sent as soon as the order is confirmed, it is unlikely that purchases for recorded webinars are eligible for a refund.

CPE Information

Can I receive CPE credits for viewing the recording?

  • Unfortunately not at this time. Given the NASBA requirements we are not able to provide credit for watching a recorded presentation.

Virtual Recordings FAQs

What platform do you use for the recordings?

  • The Bruman Group, PLLC currently uses BigMarker, as its virtual events platform. You should not need anything special on your computer to view the recording.


Do I receive a copy of the handouts with my recording?

  • Yes, you may download a copy of the handout for the recording by clicking on the Handouts icon in the options taskbar found at the bottom of the video. If you have any issues, email us at webinars@bruman.com.

When will I receive the online recording?

  • Access to the recording will be emailed as soon as your purchase is completed.

Is there a limit to how many times I can view the recording?

  • No, You may then watch it as many times as you choose. We typically retire our webinars after one year, but we may archive them earlier if there are major legal changes that impact the substantive content of the webinar.

How long are the virtual recordings?

  • Unless otherwise stated in the summary, our virtual trainings are 90 minutes (usually 75 minutes of training with approximately 15 mins for questions). While you can not ask questions during the recording you will be able to view and hear questions asked during the live session.