State Ombudsman Technical Assistance Meeting


12 in stock


The Bruman Group is excited to announce it is holding a technical assistance meeting for the nation’s State Ombudsmen.  This in-person small group meeting will review and discuss the equitable services requirements under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and make space for collaborative work and problem solving on questions, concerns, and best practices.  Topics will include monitoring, proportionate share calculations, allowability, eligibility, State and LEA requirements to provide equitable services, the complaint process, carryover, and more.  Attendees will be able to submit questions beforehand and ask questions of firm experts and peers throughout the meeting. 

We look forward to a robust discussion among the group on best practices!

This session is only for State Ombudsman so it is by invitation only.  Pre-payment is required, but if you currently have a contract or purchase order with The Bruman Group, please let us know and we will see if we can bill that current agreement.  For any questions, please reach out to Tiffany Kesslar at

We look forward to meeting with you soon. 

Other details to adjust current into provided.

  1. Date: September 17, 2024
  2. Location – our office
  3. Price: $595
  4. Meeting led by: Tiffany Kesslar and Julia Martin
  5. No breakfast or Lunch. Lunch on your own (lunch break 11:30 – 1:00)
  6. 9-3pm
  7. Provide coffee, water and soda, (we can bring chips or candy too and decide later)
  8. No CPEs
  9. No EDGAR book or materials.
  10. Pre-payment required.
  11. On-site permitted subject to space availability
  12. MUST Cancel in writing by July 26th 5:00pm EST, no exceptions.
  13. REMOVE : Who will benefit, CPE info, What you will learn,
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