This virtual training session will discuss the recently released proposed changes to 2 CFR Part 200, known primarily as the Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG). While these proposed changes are not final, they do provide a roadmap for the changes that the Office of Management and Budget would like to see in regards to the federal regulations on grants, cooperative agreements, and fixed-amount awards. Unlike the changes to the UGG in 2020, this new round of amendments contains much more significant alterations the federal grant management regulations. These changes will have a bigger impact on the way recipients and subrecipients manage their federal awards. Once final, the rules will set out an effective date. Assuming the rules are finalized early next year, with an effective date in the Spring, these changes will likely apply to the next round of allocations from the U.S. Department of Education on July 1, 2024. This session will review proposed changes to equipment thresholds and procurement requirements, updated definitions and clarifications on liquidations, changes on Single Audit requirements, and more.