
Umbrella Monitoring

December 4 - 6, 2024
The Roosevelt New Orleans, A Waldorf Astoria Hotel
130 Roosevelt Way | New Orleans, LA 70112
Presented by The Bruman Group, PLLC & Invited Speakers
Agenda (Click here)

Individual registration is required. For more information, please see our Purchasing FAQs below.

Register for Fall Forum Here!

IMPORTANT: We are now at full capacity and the waiting list has been closed.

Stay tuned for details on our Spring Forum.

If you have any questions, please email us at forum@bruman.com.

Important: Early Bird Discount rate until October 1st, 2024

  • Description
  • Costs
  • Purchasing FAQs
  • Hotel Reservations
  • Cancellation Policy
  • What will you learn?
  • CPE Information
  • Who will Benefit?

Since Congress enacted the Single Audit Act forty years ago, grantees and subgrantees have generally regarded the audit as the primary tool to determine compliance and performance. We are now witnessing a marked shift, with monitoring by the federal awarding agency and the pass-through state agency taking on new importance in determining whether subgrantees are in compliance with both programmatic and administrative requirements. Federal and State monitors typically conduct a much more invasive examination of subrecipient activities as well as policies and procedures than what occurs through the audit process.


Now the U.S. Education Department has issued proposed EDGAR changes that would permit state pass-through agencies to allow subgrantees to further subgrant funds – but such authority would require subgrantees to satisfy the same pass-through responsibilities, including monitoring, that are currently carried out by the state.  As this focus on compliance shifts to the monitoring function at the federal, state and local level, both fiscal and programmatic grant managers need to ask whether they are prepared for all the changes. OMB has issued significant revisions to the Uniform Grant Guidance. These changes impose new requirements on the Pass-Through and subrecipients. Required internal controls on inventory, procurement, G-6 drawdowns, and mandatory disclosures will need to be revised.


And, of course, the November elections have the potential to profoundly impact on the role and direction of the federal government in both the education and workforce space.  Control of the House, Senate, and the White House are all up in the air going into this election season.  That means uncertainty about federal funding levels, reauthorization of key legislation like WIOA, and even whether federal agencies will move forward implementing regulations like the new Title IX rules.  Each potential dynamic of House, Senate, and Presidential control could bring a new dynamic to legislative negotiations – and the operation of federal programs more generally.


How will this uncertainty impact your programs?  What can – and should – you be doing to prepare? Come join program experts, administration officials, and peers for The Bruman Group’s Fall Forum.



Payment must be made prior to attending the Forum or onsite via check, P/credit card, or purchase order. If you are paying via purchase order and need an invoice, please email forum@bruman.com with your request. If you need an invoice for multiple registrants, please make sure to include a list of attendees in your email. If payment has not been made 30 calendar days prior to Forum, your registration may be cancelled.


Fall Forum 2024 Add On - $300

Pre-Session ONLY - $560

Early Bird (Prior to October 1, 2024)

Individual NO Pre-Session - $1,200

Individual WITH Pre-Session - $1,520

Group (10 or more) NO Pre-Session - $1,160

Group (10 or more) WITH Pre-Session - $1,470

Regular Registration (On/After October 1, 2024)

Individual NO Pre-Session - $1,310

Individual WITH Pre-Session - $1,625

Group (10 or more) NO Pre-Session - $1,260

Group (10 or more) WITH Pre-Session - $1,575

On-Site Registration

$1,350 (does not include Pre-Session)

***Please note onsite registration is subject to availability. We make no guarantees that space will be available for on-site registration.***

Please note if you have an outstanding balance for any past forum, conference, or webinar you will NOT be able to attend the Fall Forum 2024 until the past due balance has been resolved.

Purchasing FAQs

Do I need to set up an account?

  • Yes, when you make your first purchase you will be requested to set up an account.

What happens if I forget my password?

  • You can request that your password be reset on the login page.

Can I use my credit card?

  • Yes, credit card purchases are encouraged. If a credit card is used, payment is automatic and the registration is deemed automatically complete, which means your registration is guaranteed.

Can I pay by check?

  • Yes, you may pay by check. Checks must be made out to “The Bruman Group, PLLC” and should be mailed to The Bruman Group, PLLC 1120 20th Street, NW Suite 740 Washington, D.C. 20036.
  • If paying by check, please register by selecting the 'Check Payment/Purchase Order' option at checkout, we will then hold your registration for 30 calendar days. If you register less than 30 days prior to the event, the payment is required 7 days prior to the event or your registration will be cancelled.
  • Your registration is not deemed complete until we receive the check payment so your registration is not guaranteed until payment is received.

Can I use a purchase order?

  • While you can use a purchase order, that does not complete your registration as payment is required to complete registration.
  • If using a PO, please register by selecting the 'Check Payment/Purchase Order' option at checkout. You may email us the PO at orders@bruman.com but your order will not be marked final until payment is received. If you register less than 30 days prior to the event, the payment is required 7 days prior to the event or your registration will be cancelled.

Can I obtain a copy of my receipt?

  • Yes, a receipt will be emailed to you when your order has been completed. In addition, you can login to your account and see all your prior orders and print receipts directly from the website.

Can I register more then one person at a time for an event?

  • Unfortunately, no. The system provides unique user links so individual registrations are required. It is recommended that each person registers with their own name and email address so registrants can receive email updates from us.

Hotel Reservations

Hotel Information

UPDATE: Our hotel block at The Roosevelt is currently sold out. We understand the inconvenience this may cause however, there are plenty of hotels available within close vicinity. Please note that The Bruman Group has not entered into agreement with the other hotels.

The Fall Forum 2024 will be held at the The Roosevelt New Orleans, A Waldorf Astoria Hotel | 130 Roosevelt Way | New Orleans, LA 70112. To be guaranteed a spot in the hotel you MUST book early due to the hotel's limited space capacity. Room rates begin at $299 per night plus taxes and fees.

For hotel reservations, click here. If you wish to make your reservation, please call (504) 335-3138.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations Prior to or on October 1st: Attendees are responsible for providing The Bruman Group, PLLC with written notice of cancellation either via email, fax, or letter no later than October 1, 2024 in order to receive a full refund.

Cancellations After October 1st: You will be responsible for paying a 60% cancellation fee to cover costs incurred on your behalf. If you have already paid in full, then you will receive up to a 40% refund.

Failure to submit timely payment or PO: If you do not submit payment either via check, P/credit card, or purchase order 30 calendar days prior to Forum, your registration may be cancelled.

Please note that if you are cancelling your Forum attendance, you must also cancel your hotel reservation and any other travel arrangements you made for the Fall Forum.

What will you learn?

Attendees will learn:

  • Hierarchy of authorities related to grants management.
  • Status of OMB’s proposed regulatory changes to the Uniform Grant Guidance.
  • Pass-through entity requirements, particularly related to subrecipient monitoring.
  • Internal control requirements for time and effort documentation.
CPE Information


14 CPE Credits awarded upon completion and post-conference survey.

***An additional 3 CPE credits will be awarded to those who also attend the Pre-Session.


The Roosevelt New Orleans, A Waldorf Astoria Hotel – New Orleans, LA


Approximate presentation time – Three to five sessions per day of the event—with each session providing 30 to 75 minutes of instruction.


Specialized Knowledge – Technical






Live-In Person

The CPE credit(s) may be accepted as continuing legal education credits or other applicable credits in your state; however, attendees are responsible for their own credit approval and for meeting any state requirements. The Bruman Group, PLLC makes no guarantee or assurance that the CPE credits received will apply to any other program or state requirements.

The Bruman Group, PLLC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education (CPE) on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: http://www.learningmarket.org.

Who will Benefit?

This forum is of value to all federal granting agencies, federal grant recipients, and everyone who works with federal grants, including:

  • Grant and program administrators
  • Grant program staff
  • State, district and school personnel
  • Program monitors
  • Auditors

Have any questions about our Forum?

Contact forum@bruman.com for additional information