NACTEI 2023 Pre-Conference

The BRUMAN team will cover the following items in this information-packed afternoon:
- CTE funding under the new Congress.
- Timely obligations and late liquidations.
- Time and effort certifications under the Perkins 8 Cost Objectives.
- How each LEA and College must develop a UGG risk assessment.
- Using Perkins funds for meals, memberships, registrations, and travel.
- Using Perkins funds for equipment and renovation, disposition and shared use.
- Flexibilities on using Perkins funds for goods and services for special populations.
- Lawful Supplanting.
- Perkins matching requirements.
- Recalibrating Maintenance of Effort.
- Consortia Mutually Beneficial Rule.
- The role of the fiscal agent.
- Authority of the State Eligible Agency/Pass-through to impose conditions on the sub recipient award.
The cost to attend this session is $350, which includes the newest edition of Brustein & Manasevit’s EDGAR book, presentation slides, and a coffee break. There will be ample time for questions.
**Please note this registration is for the PRE-Session ONLY. To register for the main NACTEI conference, please click here.